
Top Natural Wonders of the World

We live in a big and beautiful world surrounded by enormous glaciers, stunning mountains, beautiful landscapes, rivers and oceans, and wild animals. Listing all scenic destinations in the world would take more than a year. We hope these shortlisted top natural world wonders will be at the top of your travel list.

10. Angel Falls

Angel Falls
Photo: Angel Falls

The awe-inspiring Angel Falls is the tallest uninterrupted waterfall in the world, dropping 979 meters from a tabletop mountain in Venezuela. Found in the UNESCO-listed Canaima National Park in the eastern state of Bolivar, 807 meters of the famous waterfall is uninterrupted, and when in full flow, it’s a mesmerizing sight. Angel Falls, situated in the remote Canaima National Park, is a challenging destination. Despite this, the breathtaking scenery and breathtaking views make it an unforgettable experience and make the journey worthwhile. The best time to visit Angel fall is between June and November. This spectacular waterfall is one of the natural wonders of the world.

9. Mount Everest

Photo: Mount Everest

As the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest stands on the Nepal-China border with a height of 8,848 meters above sea level. Mount Everest attracts climbers of all levels as it is one of the world’s natural wonders. Although other eight-thousanders, such as Mount K2, are much more challenging to climb, Mount Everest still has many inherent dangers, such as altitude sickness, weather, and wind. Mt. Everest was first summated by Nepali Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealand climber Mr. Edmond Hillary with a British expedition in 1953 from the South Col route. Climbing Mt Everest is the aim of many people in their life.

8. The Maldives

Maldives Island
Photo: Maldives Island

A cluster of islands situated in the Indian Ocean, The Maldives, is positioned close to the equator. It consists of 1192 islands stretching over 871 kilometers. Despite covering an area of 90,000 square kilometers, only a tiny portion, approximately 298 square kilometers, is considered dry land. The Maldives has a warm and tropical climate that’s perfect for lazy beach days all year round. This low-lying island group is celebrated for its high level of luxury and emphasis on the slow life. Maldives’ accommodation is unique and top-class; underwater and over-water villas are perfect for honeymooners. There’s even an underwater restaurant for those looking to dine surrounded by tropical fishes. Relaxation is key in the Maldives, so you can spend your days sipping on cocktails and sunbathing. Those unique islands are one of the world’s natural wonders.

7. Sahara Desert

Photo: Sahara Desert

Most of Northern Africa is covered by the Sahara, the largest scorching desert in the world that is almost as big as the United States. To be more precise, the Sahara is a region that includes parts of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan, and Tunisia. It occupies 25% of Africa’s landmass due to its size. Less than three inches of rainfall on average every year in the Sahara. Even in the wettest regions of the Sahara, it may only rain once or twice a week before ceasing for years.

6. Galapagos Islands

galapagos island
Photo: Galapagos Island

Sited approximately 600 miles from the Ecuadorian shoreline, the Galapagos Islands have been a well-protected natural wonder for millions of years. If you want a glimpse of what prehistoric animals may have looked like, head to the Galapagos Islands. The animals are like no other place on earth. Giant tortoises on Isabela, marine iguanas on Fernandina, blue-footed boobies nesting on North Seymour, and 17 different land, marine, and avian species not found anywhere else in the world are the primary reasons for the Galapagos Islands’ fame. According to travel experts, the optimal period to explore the Galapagos Islands is from December to May. During this time, the climate is warm, and the waters are crystal clear, making it the perfect season for water activities such as snorkeling and diving.

5. Antarctica

antarctica continent
Photo: Antarctica

The Antarctic is recognized as the harshest and most inhospitable continent on the planet, characterized by extreme cold, dry conditions, and strong winds. It has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Antarctica is commonly referred to as the largest desert in the world, with only 2% of the continent not covered in ice. Unlike the Arctic, the high elevation of much of Antarctica contributes to its freezing temperatures, making it colder than its northern counterpart. Also, the Arctic Ocean covers the north polar zone, transferring the ocean’s relative warmth through the ice pack. Sea life in Antarctica includes penguins, blue whales, orcas, and seals. The ideal period to embark on a trip to Antarctica is late spring to early fall, as the sea ice conditions permit ships to navigate the stunning glacial landscapes.

4. Iguazu Falls

Photo: Iguazu Falls

One of the world’s great natural wonders, Iguazu Falls, is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina. Iguazu Falls is one of the most unusual and stunning waterfalls on earth because of its sheer size. Along the Iguazu River, 275 falls make up the waterfall system. The impressive 8858-foot-wide and 269-foot-high Iguazu Falls are twice as wide as the well-known Niagara Falls. You won’t have to worry about encountering a dry fall when visiting this magnificent wonder of the world because it is one of the wettest waterfalls in the world.

3. Grand Canyon

Photo: The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon, located in northern Arizona, is a popular tourist spot in the United States. The Colorado River carved a 446-km-long and 1.6-km-deep canyon over several million years. The Grand Canyon is neither the deepest nor the longest in the world. However, the sheer size and the intricately designed, vibrant surroundings offer visitors stunning views that cannot be found anywhere else on this earth.

2. Amazon Rainforest

amazon rainforest
Photo: Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is called the “lung of the planet,” absorbing about 25% of atmospheric carbon dioxide and producing 6% of total oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere through photosynthesis. At approximately 2,300,000 square miles in size, the Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest and most biodiverse forest. It has 390 billion trees and spreads across Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela, and the Republic of Suriname. One of every ten known wildlife species can be found in the Amazon..

1. Serengeti Migration

Photo: Serengeti Migration

Northwestern Tanzania is home to the Serengeti environment, which also reaches southwestern Kenya. The area is home to one of the most magnificent animal events and the most significant mass movement of terrestrial mammals on the globe. A million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra travel 500 kilometers from the southern Serengeti in Tanzania to the northern boundary of the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya as part of an African safari excursion. The Great Migration is arguably the world’s greatest natural wonder and the highlight of any safari in Africa.

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